Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Three Leaf Clover


For reasons we can’t remember, we have in our files a manuscript with this title.  Perhaps it was given to us by Marion Voxland when she was cleaning out the Voxland files before her move to Bismarck.  It is a compilation of stories about the family of Dr. Just Christian Gronvold, the house he built and the lives of the family of his nine children.  The house was situated next door to the parsonage of Holden Lutheran Church in rural Goodhue County Minnesota.   

This family saga was published as a series in Norwegian in the Decorah Posten between April and July, 1943.  What we have is the English translation done by Marie Voxland.  In her notes Marie says that the author, Emma Quie Bonhus and her brother Albert, were also fictionalized characters in the story. Albert was the father of a former governor of Minnesota, Al Quie.

Judy and I have read this whole manuscript, 79 pages single spaced and no formatting, so it was a bit hard to follow, and frankly, not well written; and some may have been lost in the translation.  But we found it of interest because of its’ historical content. 

Dr. Gronvold was a prominent pioneer doctor who immigrated from Norway and came to Goodhue County in 1869.[i]  Thus, he would have been well known to my great grand-parents, Nels and Martha Aaker. My grandparents, Olaf and Ellen Aaker, would have been contemporaries of the older children in this story; and even my parents may have known some of the children.  In 1873 Gronvold built a beautiful large house where the nine children featured in the story grew up.  Many descriptions of the house are included.  The “three clovers” are the clusters of three older children, three middle, and the three youngest children.  The name of the doctor in the story is Dr. Justin, which was Gronvold’s first name and an old family name.  The names of the children are not their true names, though Marie Voxland thought these could have been their second names.  In fact, she seems to have known them in person and notes that one of the younger daughter’s name was Thora, and that “I went to parochial school for her”.

The time period of the beginning of the story is the late 19th century when this country doctor was seeing patients in his home office and doing house calls by horse drawn buggy and sleigh in the area. He died in the line of duty, having contracted pneumonia while out calling on patients in inclement weather and his wife died just two months after his death.

The untimely deaths of the parents left the nine children, the oldest just in their teens, to fend for themselves.  Many of the stories have to do with how each of the older girls took responsibility for managing the house and raising the younger children, especially the oldest two, whose real names were Marie and Anna.  As they grew up some of the children went to Kenyon High School and on to St Olaf academy and college, and others to the Twin Cities to study medicine and others professions.  Eventually they scattered far and wide to Washington D.C., Virginia and Seattle while others lived in the Twin Cities.  One son traveled to Alaska and they lost contact with him.  This son, Hjalmer in the story, didn’t like schooling, but was a hard worker and adventurer. He wanted to see the world and went North following the gold rush.   

Two of the girls (the oldest and the youngest) never married and continued to return to the house (called “The Magnet” in the story) every summer, often joined by several other siblings. 

I vaguely remember my parents commenting on the “old maids” that came to stay in the house during the summer.  Later I recall seeing the ruins of that mansion in the trees until Lloyd Voxland bought the property and tore it down to build a new and beautiful modern home where he and Gerry retired. 

According to the Goodhue County Historical Society article footnoted below, Dr and Mrs. Gronvold are buried in the Cemetery of Emmanuel Lutheran Church.  That is a church in the Hauge tradition, which may be why they were buried there rather in the nearby Holden Lutheran Church. The story tells something of the family’s participation in church activities, confirmations and Bible studies at the Holden parsonage next door, and that the oldest daughter was organist for a time.  Several of the children and spouses are said in the story to be “resting in the nearby cemetery”.  Which church’s cemetery?

In the Norwegian American Historical Association posting about this manuscript there is mention of “A six-page manuscript "Notes on the Gronvold ‘farm' and members of the family" by Voxland "based on notes from Harriet Voxland" gives additional information”. That would be an interesting read, and could probably be found at the NAHA archives.

The story also mentions a Gronvold Family Saga, a history of the family going back to Norway and their immigration to America, but NAHA does not list this, (at least in my cursory review).

I am wondering if the Holden Church archives have any documents and stories about Dr Gronvold and his relationship with Rev. Muus and the church.  I recall something about this relationship in the book Brent Julius Muus, by Joseph Shaw.  I think it was about Dr. Gronvold tending to Mrs. Muus when she broke her leg, and the doctor admonishing Muus to treat his wife better.  I think the relationship between Gronvold and Muus may have been a bit frosty. 

Though this “book” was not a page turner, I found myself drawn into the story, especially the last part, to see how all the children turned out.  It is a story of how it was, as in so many rural families; the Gronvold children persevered in the face of adversity and try to keep their memories alive as they treasure their roots in the rural setting of their youth while they all eventually go off, near and far, to much different lives of their own. 

Jerry Aaker

January, 2021



[i] From a 2017 article by Afton Esson, posted by the Goodhue County Historical Society, we found dates relating to the life of Dr. Gronvold. He was born in Norway in 1833, immigrated to America in 1865, and after medical school in St Louis, he came to Goodhue County in 1869.  He built the house in 1873 and married Eli Brandt in 1874.  He died in September 1895 at the age of 62 and his wife died just two months later. Thus, they were married only 22 years and were survived by nine of their eleven children. Dr Gronvold had a particular interest in the study of leprosy as he had found a number of cases of this disease among Norwegian settlers in Goodhue County.  

Monday, January 4, 2021

My Brother Vern



I’ve been thinking about words to describe my brother and honor him on his 87th birthday.  Norwegian/American might do as a starter.  We have had quite different lives, but we did descend from the same gene pool that came from rural Norway to rural Minnesota in the 1840s; 100% Norse we think, until proven that we aren’t quite that pure.  

LaVerne Donald Aaker was born December 31, 1933; the darkest time of the year and during the depression, one of the darkest times of the 20th century. Mom was at the Aaker farm where grandparents Olaf and Ella lived.  Everybody went to a New Year’s Eve gathering at Roy Voxlands, (can you imagine that rip roaring party? – coffee and cake at 10 o’clock).  Hilda stayed home with mom and helped to deliver the baby before mid-night. Probably boiled the water! The doctor told dad to hang a lantern on the mailbox so he would know where to turn in on the dark snowy nigh.  He was brought home later in a basket.   Anyway, that’s the story we heard from Hilda.

Yes, nights were dark on the farm during the years of his childhood.  He did chores and homework by the light of lanterns and candles, really until well into his teens.  The great depression years were hard times, but our parents were not depressed in spirit – they had hard work to do to save enough to buy the 100-acre farm and raise a family.  Vern found himself at an early age carrying his part of the load.  Besides the Norse blood line, it was culture and surroundings that had the biggest sway; parents that taught hard work, faith and frugality by example.  Long days – up early to help milk the cows and feed the pigs, and into the evening to feed the calves and throw down hay for the cows to chew on during the night.  Sundays were exempt from work; always observing a day of rest on the Sabaoth. (except for chores, of course).

At age six he was off to Dovre, the one room country school about a mile from the farm, to learn reading, writing, arithmetic, geography and Minnesota history.  We walked across the fields often facing cold winds blowing from the North.  All eight grades were taught by one teacher. Vern’s class had four students I think, including cousin Bob Aaker.

 In those times the school year was shorter than the full nine months of these days.   Farmers needed help for spring work and harvesting in the fall.

 LaVerne was a good student in grade school and also at Kenyon High though I haven’t run across any of his report cards.  I just know he was a better student then me and was a role model for me to try to do better. In high school he tried out for football, and not knowing what to say when Coach Fredrickson asked what position he wanted to play; coach said, “Vern you’re going to be a quarterback”.  We can see the family in 1949 in the picture below. The 16-year-old looks strong and broad shouldered – maybe

Vern, dad, mom,
Jerry, Lois,
a result of conditioning for football, but more likely because of hard work on the farm.

He also worked in the “pea pack”, a job that built up his muscles even more. When we “wrestled” on the living room floor or in the hay mow, he could easily pin me, all in fun.   

In about 1950 he made an adventurous trip with Bob and Harris Hostager in a 1932 Chevrolet - all the way to Seattle to attend a Luther League convention.  I remember the parents of the three worrying and wondering if they would get over the big mountains in Montana.  Not that they had ever seen mountains themselves.  After a record number of flat tires, they returned home safely and probably made a report to the congregation.  Those youth conventions were often “mountain top” experiences and changed lives.  Harris went on to become a Lutheran minister, maybe in part because of that convention experience.  Did Vern ever contemplate that calling?

 He decided to go to Luther College at the nudging of Uncle Maynard, so after graduation from High School in 1952 he was off to Decorah.  I don’t know much about those two years at Luther except that he met a farm girl by name of Donna Hatlestad from LeRoy, Minnesota who was studying to be an elementary teacher.  At some point he brought her home to meet the family – an indication that this was really getting serious.   

Sister Jean remembers it like this:


“When Vern went to college, I went to 1st grade.  No kindergarten at Dovre. So, my memories of Vern are not on the farm but more when he was in high school and beyond.  If he wouldn't have ventured off to Luther, where might we have gone to college?  I'm certainly glad he followed Maynard's nudging.


I remember Donna coming to visit but can't exactly recall the first time. But I do remember when she started teaching in Kenyon.


I was always so clueless but very interested when my 5th grade teacher and the 2nd grade teacher named Ms. Hatlestad moved next door to Grandma and Grandpa's at Berdella Ness' s house in Kenyon.   At that time teachers were encouraged to visit homes and mom invited those two out for supper.  I was thrilled and loved it.  I remember them trying to explain day light savings time to me.... I wouldn't accept that you could just change time so easily”. 


 Lois adds this memory of that time:

‘I remember when Vern brought Donna home and that was the first time a girl friend had ever been brought to our house.  I’m sure I gawked at her.  I think I stood behind the stove in the kitchen (do you remember how we used to do that?) and listened to the conversation but probably didn't participate in any of it.  It was probably nerve wracking for Verne but I think they were already pretty serious before he brought her home.”

Donna's memory of first meeting the family. 

It was in August between my freshman and sophomore year at college.  I was working in Rochester that summer and Verne came and brought me to visit.  Your mom was working and I only remember Lois and Kathy were there.  Lois had made brownies but had used salt instead of sugar which embarrassed her.  Your mom had bulk salt for pickles so it was an easy mistake.  I must have stayed for supper but don’t remember it.  As for one word to describe Verne, that’s hard.  But loving stands out for me. 

Judy’s reminiscence:

“I met Vern’s family in June, 1963 when Jerry brought me to the farm.  We went swimming in a lake near Faribault and I remember thinking ‘these Aaker men sure are handsome’. My words to describe Vern are understanding and easy to be around”

In 1955, after two years at Luther, Vern enlisted in the United States Army.  So why would he interrupt his college education and leave his sweetheart behind for two years? 

                                                                            I think in those years young men felt
they might eventually be drafted anyway, so why not go ahead and enlist and come out with the advantages of the GI Bill to help pay for college.

He did a tour of duty in Japan and from what I understand he had a pretty cushy job – with his own jeep and driver, in fact.  He looked at Japan as a positive experience, and indeed came out of the service with government aid to help finish his college education, this time at St. Olaf College. Again, I followed his lead and went into the Army right out of high school. And, of course, I went to Luther College as well!

Donna and Vern were married in May, 1957 and I was there, standing by his side.  In February, 1958 their first child, Cindy Marie, arrived to live with them in student housing in Northfield. He graduated from St. Olaf that Spring and got a job in the county welfare office in Rochester.

They bought their first house for a price of what we pay for a car these days. Dad thought it was pretty neat that he had a job with a pay check every month – of course, interested to know how much that was. 

I remember driving with Vern and Donna to Omaha to help with their move to that city where he studied and earned an MSW from the University of Nebraska in 1964. 


Following the Biblical injunction, Donna and Vern were fruitful and multiplied!  We see here the growing family in 1969, from which have sprung many grandchildren and now great grandchildren. It has been as a brother, son, husband, father, and grandfather that he has lived out the values he inherited from home, church and family in that rural community so many years ago. 

And these same ideals served him well in a long career of service to community and people in need through social work, his chosen profession.

But this is not intended to be a career resume nor a family tree for I would certainly leave too many gaps.  Rather I return to the question, “what words can we use to characterize this man?”  I start with those that I and many others have observed. These relate to his chosen life work:

To do good social work one must have the capacity for empathy and good relationships, and it certainly helps to have compassion and be a good listener.  These are not only professional qualities but personal values that were lived out in Vern’s interactions with all who have been close to and experienced knowing Vern.

I would call him a quiet man, modest and thoughtful. He is not one to interrupt others in conversation when he can’t get a word in edgewise as his family happily chats around him while he listens.  Hearing and sight have diminished a bit with age, but we know he is musing about the important things in life – especially the gift of a long life and a wonderful family. 

Adjectives like these and others were recurring themes when I asked his children, sisters and Judy for words that come to mind when thinking of Vern.  Several said understanding and respectful, and the word kind got the most votes.  Others mentioned were wise and a positive role model. 

I agree. Someone once taught me the importance of putting the best construction on the actions and words of the neighbor, based on several of the commandments – i.e., do not bear false witness, covet, or steal.  This is an outlook that leads to a positive attitude toward life, self and other people. I thought than and still think, “well that’s my brother”.  He refrains from saying negative things about others and avoids gossip and criticism. 

Karen summed it up well writing, “I’ll say devoted.  He’s devoted to God, devoted to Donna and devoted to our family”.  Cindy chose genuine and Mark said patience.  What a wonderful affirmation for a parent to receive from their children. 

They bought and fixed up a cabin on Lake Eunice soon after they moved to Fargo.  The best investment they ever made. Everyone in the family has fond memories of summers at the lake.

Below we see two old geezers standing on the lake shore in the summer of 2018.


I write this during the last week of what most consider a very dark year – 2020, the year of the pandemic. This year we all have experienced separation and isolation, anxiety and concern, lest we become infected with the Corona Virus. So, Vern and Donna have been “hunkered down”, yet they delight in the loving attention given them by their children, grandchildren, and siblings, and especially the joy of seeing the next generation of babies appearing on the scene.


Happy 87th birthday, Vern.



Jerry, December 31, 2020