Thursday, April 7, 2016

I'll Pray for you

Some years ago as we were finishing a hearty meal with a group of friends, one of the guests, an elderly gentleman and beloved member of the congregation, said, "Well, now I have something to say."  That caused a  pause in the lively banter and conversation of the meal and we all became silent, awaiting and curious as to what announcement Martin was about to make, as Martin was not one to waste words.  Then he said, "You don't have to pray for me anymore, I'm fine",  and he said this quite emphatically.  

Martin was living with the reality of cancer and his name had been on the prayer list and included in the prayers of the Church for the last several months.  We were somewhat dumbfounded at this request to "not" be prayed for, rather than a more usual request for and thankfulness that he was being prayed for. 

It turned out that Martin was embarrassed to hear his name mentioned publicly in the prayers.   I supposed this was at least partially a reflection of an ingrained humility which was almost bred into him from his Norwegian Lutheran heritage and upbringing.  So we just continued to pray for him "in secret".

More recently we experienced negative feedback from someone for telling her we were praying for her.  Judy told this person she had been praying for her and found out that this was taken as an insult, a sort of indication that we thought there was something wrong with her.  

So is there a risk in saying  "I'll pray for you" to someone?  I have always thought there is, but more along the lines of my own failure to remember to pray.  Like in, "Oh no, I said I would pray for Jim, but the truth is, I haven't thought about Jim nor prayed for him for days now"!

Of course, I suspect I also have creeping doubts that my intercessory prayer will do any good!    Yet, I try!  Try to remember to pray daily for those who are most beloved and closest to me, especially my children and grand kids - though they generally don't know that I am praying for them.  It is done in secret, so to speak.   

Occasionally   we also find ourselves praying for people who themselves don't believe in prayer.  Well, Jesus did say something about going into our closet and praying in secret…  so we can be a bit subversive about it all - no need to tell the other that we are praying for them.  

Douglas Steere, a Quaker, wrote in his classic book, Dimensions of Prayer,[1]

 "Intercession is the most intensely social act of which the human being is capable.  When carried on secretly, it is mercifully preserved from, in fact, almost immunized against, the possible corruptions to which all outer deeds of service for others are subject."

I sometimes feel like I am coping out by saying "I'll pray for you", because there is so much the other person (s) may need that I can do nothing about but to pray.  If I am moved to pray for Syrian refugees, for example, I am tempted to wonder what possible good my little pittance of a prayer will do.   But then I am prompted to respond with about the only action available to me… i.e. write a check to a trusted relief agency like Lutheran World Relief.

Douglas Steere also wrote, "If we want to stay out of personal involvement, intercessory prayer should be instantly scratched from our list; there is nothing that brings us into the scene like intercessory prayer, even when it is done entirely in secret."

What happens when we pray is that our souls are interconnected …  and, in turn, we are connected with God.  I don't always know what the deepest need of the other person is, but God does, so I can simply pray for him or her…. "according to their need". 

Tennyson, the poet, wrote… "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of…."

[1] Douglas V. Steere, Dimensions of Prayer, Upper Room Books, Nashville,1962