Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Jerry and Judy 2022


Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness, come into his presence with singing.

Those words from Psalm 100 were read by grandson Colin at the Thanksgiving service a couple weeks ago– a good filter through which to look back on this year.  Thankfulness for all of life, both the good and bad days.

I started the year with surgery and several procedures followed by a somewhat painful recovery, and nearing years’ end, Judy has COVID. We are reminded that the pandemic is still with us and that keeping healthy is certainly an ongoing challenge in old age.  I am thankful for good doctors and Judy’s care. We’ve mostly been fine and try to keep a routine, swimming for Judy and pickleball for me.  We try to do a few things for others through Church and other causes we support.  Thankful for safety while so many suffer the ravages of war, drought and injustice.

We try to savor each day, as the years go by way too fast.  Joys of the year include a six-week camping trip to Montana and an additional week on Orcas Island in WA with Daniel, Sarah and 13 yr. old Melke - a time to relish the beauty of nature and the goodness of life.  Another joy is being near Bret and wife, Rachel, and their family here in Albuquerque, getting together at least once a week for a meal.  Proud to see Henry go off to medical school, and the girls, Luci and Frankie, doing well in their last year of high school.  Colin is 8 years, - we enjoy his visits to swim and play games with us.

We are too far away from Lani in Chicago – where granddaughter Leslie also lives, though we did make a trip to the Midwest to see them and other family.  We certainly enjoy video calls with Leslie and her two adorable girls – Zalina and Lyonna.    Alysa is moving from SC to Calif and stopped here for one night on that long journey.

As we look forward to 2023, we pray for peace and live with the hope that is in the Christmas message.


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