Sunday, May 9, 2021

Prompts from Old Songs and Psalms during the Pandemic: #7

 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits and in his word I Hope, My soul waits for the Lord, more than those who watch for the morning,    from. Ps. 130

I am not good at waiting.  Now I am impatient and wait for an end to this pandemic. Some see light at the end of the tunnel and are eager; others counsel to keep a steady course.  We will get through this, they say, but it will take time.  People are getting impatient and weary.  But it is early. 

We have been in “lock-down” for months and there is unease in the country.  People are protesting, egged on by the president - so obstinate and contradictory.  Impatient!

Though impatient, I know the wisdom of calm and patient waiting lest I not appreciate each new day. Some of the psalms are poems of quiet meditation, but others hit me with the reality of an unjust and suffering world and often the psalmist pleads for vengeance. The psalmist says, “for in your light we see light”.  I prefer to look to the light.  

One of my favorite Taize contemplative chants is Wait for the Lord, Whose Day is Near.  How good to take quiet moments to contemplate and wait.

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